Last Tango on a Wintry Day

User: cruggero
Last Tango on a Wintry Day
Though the historical references in this story are a matter of record, the story is not about the politics of the time. It is about a young girl’s emotional struggle as she tries to hold on to the only life she knew.

The events were true, the struggles were true, but because I chose to change names and time table of certain events, the tale is a fictional biography. ~Carmen Ruggero

liberty, tango, rain, home, house, friends, hector
Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

Valerie... what a lovely think to say. I used to dream of publishing now I dream of writing. It's just something I have to do. Thank you very much. :-)


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Wichtiger Beitrag

Carmen, you are an artist, there is no doubt about it. You write with depth and beauty, allowing us to be with you in the very moments of despair and pain...and beauty as well. You and I had such different lives in far off lands, but both came to America as young girls and experienced the same new world. Although your Argentina is quite foreign to this English lass, I can relate to the girl you were...who wrote poetry that... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag

This was a well written, exciting and breathtaking story. You told your story like a true artist and your vivid imagery was stunning!!

Thank you for sharing your work and thank you for the detail that you've placed in your craft.

God bless,


1 Kommentar

Sometimes we think or feel our thoughts and rhymes are lost and forgotten, but then we realize that as long as someone reads it, the work is alive. Thank so you very much for such kind thoughts.


Wichtiger Beitrag

Bellísimo. Un cuento inolvidable. I enjoyed this piece very much. Since I was little, I would rather sit around the elderly to listen to their past lives, than to play with the other children. Children are the future, but we couldn’t make a better one if we didn’t ponder on the past lives our relatives experienced. I hope visiting the ghost of your past doesn’t affect you negatively. But know that your tale leaves a powerful... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag

Carmen, you write with such passion, clarity, and precision! Your story grips me...indeed, we have two things in common: freedom and childhood fear. Yes, it is difficult to look back and write about it..having to confine one's memories and thoughts into a limited number of pages. I haven't tried yet, so I commend you for doing it and doing it so extremely well. Thank you for this superb piece of writing!


1 Kommentar

Hi Gina,
Thank you so much for such a wonderful review. It was a difficult piece to write, but one that had been nagging at me for a long, long time. Funny about things of the past: somehow I don't feel I've put it behind me. I think there's a lot more to share. Thanks again!


Wichtiger Beitrag

Thank you Carmen. It was a beautiful piece of writing. Your talent is quite rare. The way you juxtaposed words and images blending blood with wet leaves waiting to fall and gather in the gutter was truly poetic. It was quite an experience for a young lady and you told it well.

1 Kommentar

Thank you very much for reading it. It took a long time to write because of the very thing you point out: it was difficult to revisit the times.

Thanx again, :-)


Wichtiger Beitrag

Hi Cleveland,

I've not been in for a while. I just now saw your comment. Thank you very much. It is a very ghostly story, and yes the shadows keep comming back. I've just recently been meeting with many of my cousings through facebook. We were kids togeter... I haven't seen them in 50 years.

Thanks again for reading my work.


Wichtiger Beitrag

Hi Carmen
Thanks for posting this narrative told in such a dramatic way.. It is not easy to write a story like this but besides enjoying the read you've done well with the flash backs. When you mention dates I remembered where I was. That made things more real for me. Going back to the empty house stirs up lots of ghosts. I wonder if it is a good thing to revisit places from the past. The blood may have been washed away but... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag

We do have a new and very talented writer among us. When I think about the fact that English is her second language, when I think about what Carmen has been through, I nearly faint. But reading her work is to see her strength and beauty. To go from a hostile and once beloved homeland to the fractured life in America and yet survive to write with such beauty and such intense emotions is truly a gift from God. This story gives... mehr anzeigen

1 Kommentar

Thank you, RD. Your words are encouraging. Just the push I need, right now. I want to expand on this story, but I'd have to be careful not to go too far. I don't want it to lose the strength it has right now. It's a project for the winter months. How's that? Thanks again, for... mehr anzeigen

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