An Anthology Of German Literature, Part 2

User: silviya
An Anthology Of German Literature, Part 2
1483-1546. Some Of The Cardinal Dates In a Career That Changed the
Course Of History For The Whole Germanic World Are As Follows: In 1517
Luther Posted up The Ninety-Five Theses At Wittenberg; 1520, Burned the
Papal Bull And Issued the _Address To The German Nobility_; 1522,
Attended the Diet At Worms And Refused to Recant; In seclusion At The
Wartburg Translated the New Testament, Which Was Published that Same
Year; 1525, Married katharina Bora, A Nun, Having previously Renounced
Monasticism; 1534, Published the Complete German Bible. Aside From The
Polemics, Tractates, Epistles, Commentaries, And Sermons, Whereby He
Provoked, Defended, And Organized the Protestant Revolt, Luther Wrote A
Few Short Poems, Mostly Hymns For Worship, Also Fables And Aphorisms.
But His Great Work Was His Translation Of The Bible.

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