
How do you go on living after your worst nightmare reveals a secret? Maggie was born into a family with extraordinary powers. Now two of them are dead. She must go back in time to solve mysterious happenings before she is next. What she finds is an explosive message she will not soon forget.

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Tarak Ghosh

It is very hard to chase the time. But I have to do that. I would like to read all your books very soon.
I think I will enjoy it. Wish you a happy and long journey as a writer.

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Curiosity caught me and I was just wondering how you came to name the book Alchemyst?

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Thank you for the heart and for taking time to comment... Without creating a spoiler, I'd just say the title refers to the way our protagonist has of using her extraordinary powers to keep transforming this worst night mare for others, as well as the chemical process reflected... mehr anzeigen

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There are some amazingly powerful feelings expressed on these pages. I particularly like how you tie your experience in with the quote from Thomas Wolfe at the end. I've reread this several times, each time discovering feelings and images that have a lasting impact, far beyond the initial reading of the story.

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Totemks, thank you for your kind comment. I'm taking your picture request to heart.

LittleSlaveBird, you are right, and you probably also know that many words have more than one spelling...sometimes authors even take creative license with a word to make it their own. Rather than being about an alchemist, the story is about an extraordinary mystical experience and its effect upon alchemy assisted by nature. If you Google... mehr anzeigen

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thats not how you spell alchemist!

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This is an amazing story. Of course I'm especially interested since I knew some of these characters personally but I was fascinated by this story, and it has so much more depth knowing it actually happened.

Well written and concise. I think you should have included the picture you were describing.

Thanks for writing this and sharing it with everyone through BookRix.

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This is an amazing story. Of course I'm especially interested since I knew some of these characters personally but I was fascinated by this story, and it has so much more depth knowing it actually happened.

Well written and concise. I think you should have included the picture you were describing.

Thanks for writing this and sharing it with everyone through BookRix.

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