Cinder Eden

Forget Cinderella, this is Eden's Fairytale Von:
Cinder Eden

~ ♛ ~

Eden basically lives as Cinderella. Her real mother died giving birth to her little sister Ellie and her father committed suicide from the loneliness from the lost of Eden's mom. Now Eden and Ellie is stuck with her stepmother and her stepsisters, Bella and Isabella. She used to be rich but her stepmother took all what's left.

Eden has nothing left in her life besides her little sister.

She needs a Prince Charming to get her and Ellie out of their misery.

Blaise Levi is the opposite of Prince Charming, in fact he's no prince to girls. In his entire life, he has been overshadowed by his older brother Dash. He has everything: the looks, the brains, and even wealth. He has everything - except love and happiness.

What happens when poor little Cinder Eden and Prince Blaise meet?

Dieses Buch ist Teil der Reihe "Cinder-Ellie"
Alle Bücher dieser Reihe:
Cinder Eden
Forget Cinderella, this is Eden's Fairytale
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Gelöschter User

This is good plz continue

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This book sounds pretty good, I was wondering if you planned on continuing any time soon?

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Gelöschter User

it sounds like you have a good start! xoxo

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