Jewel-less Crown: Saga of Life

User: BS Murthy
Jewel-less Crown: Saga of Life

It's perilous penning this blurb.

It's fine when man is modest about his work.

It even affords him the aura of an invisible crown!

But what about his work?

Were it an art or craft, it is there for all to see.

What of a literary work of an unheralded author?

Well, lauding the same might raise one's eyebrows.

Failing to praise wouldn't make a 'jewel-less crown' either!

Why not see, if this is the great Indian novel.

This is the story of the rise and fall of an ambitious man, the decline, and the decay of his conniving wife, the trials, and tribulations of their wayward son as well as the grit and gall of a spirited woman, who enters into his life.

This depiction of their life and times not only pictures the facets of ambition and achievement, intrigue and betrayal, compulsion and compromise, sleaze and scandal, trial and sentence, but also portrays the possibilities of repentance and resolution, love and empathy coupled with compassion and contribution, leading to the spirituality of materialism, and that makes it the saga of our times.

The story of a lifetime, truly.


Book One, Artha and Kama

  1. Party Gone Sour
  2. Trauma at Tihar
  3. Mind of the Maligned
  4. Twist at Tis-Hazari
  5. Trial in Camera
  6. Dilemma of Qualms
  7. Moment of Reckoning
  8. End within end
  9. Vestiges of Prestige
  10. High on Rebound
  11. Bellows of Delhi
  12. Dicing with Life
  13. Spidering Spadework
  14. Loss to Order
  15. Daring the Fate
  16. Victims of Deceit
  17. Baring the Soul
  18. Garland of Guilt

Book Two, Dharma and Moksha

  1. Bliss of Being
  2. Collage of Crime
  3. Domain of the Devil
  4. Renaissance of Life
  5. Sprouts of Love
  6. Despair of Hope
  7. Turn at the Bend
  8. Amity of Empathy
  9. Day to Remember
  10. Spirituality of Materialism
  11. Sense of Reincarnation
  12. Epilogue.

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