Crossing the Mirage: Passing through youth

User: BS Murthy
Crossing the Mirage:  Passing through youth

If passing through youth was like crossing the mirage of life for Chandra and Nithya, it proved to be chasing the mirage of love for Sathya and Prema though for plain Vasavi, Chandra's pitiable sibling, it was the end of the road.


As life brings Chandra, who suffers from an inferiority complex for his perceived ugliness, and Nithya, who was bogged down being jilted by Vasu, together, they script their fate of fulfillment.


And as poetic justice would have it, Sathya, who caused Prema's heart burn, himself was led down the garden path by Kala, doing a Sathya on Sathya.


Just not that, life has in store just deserts for Vasu owing to Nithya's retribution as he tries to stalk her.


Besides, after many a fictional twist and turn, the way the story ends, challenges the perception that fact is stranger than fiction.


Sign Posts to Cross


  1. Shackles on Psyche
  2. End of the Tether
  3. Burden of Freedom
  4. Onto the Turf
  5. Respite by Death
  6. Lessons of Life
  7. Naivety of Love
  8. Dilemma of Disclosure
  9. Perils of Youth
  10. Absurd Proposal
  11. Crossing the Mirage
  12. Setting the Pace
  13. Oasis of Bliss
  14. Busy bees in Honeycomb
  15. Twist in the Tale
  16. Love in the Bind
  17. Turn for the Worse
  18. Shadows to the Fore
  19. Spurring on to Err
  20. Tempting the Fate
  21. Stooping to Conquer
  22. Fouling the Soul
  23. Poetic Justice
  24. Agony of Penitence
  25. Embrace of Love
  26. Life of a Kind
  27. Just deserts


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