Trials of Love and Motherhood

A Young Mother's Tale Von:
Trials of Love and Motherhood

Riley is a young mother to a darling little boy named Liam. She left her husband a few weeks ago and moved back into her old house. Now she lives with her little brother and his girlfriend. Life is interesting to say the least. Her hands are full with searching for a job, blind dates, and raising her baby. She never really expected to find love, but going on these blind dates helped lessen her family's worries, so she went. Luckily for her, she found thatt having a baby was natural guy repellent. Well, natural repellent for every guy except one.


Jessie Sinclair was tall and handsome and a suprising breath of fresh air for Riley. He didn't push her to do things, or judge her choices, and he understood that we all make mistakes.

He's completely captivating Riley and she has no idea how to handle it. When she finally manages to get a job, its bitter sweet. She has to leave her baby for hours and she wont get to see him.There's a pleasnt suprise in store for her at this new job, however.


What happens when work,love, and motherhood all mix together in one little library?

Love, Library, Young, Mothers, Liam, Riley, Jessie
Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

We always write our best when it's about what we know best. This is a great beginning, and I hope you continue it. Aside from a couple of minor mistakes here and there, it's well-written and obviously from the heart. I know other moms will relate to Riley's bond with her baby; I certainly did.

I look forward to reading the next chapter!

2 Kommentare

Thank you!!! I really find myself enjoying writing this!


I could tell. ')

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