Essays on Biomedical Law and Ethics

Selected papers 2004 - 2008 Von:
User: Lilou
Essays on Biomedical Law and Ethics

The Book

The collection of five given papers and presentations from conferences between 2005 and 2008 are discussion papers. The perspectives of the essays are based on biomedical ethics and legal reflections. The papers were presented on important international conferences and congresses. Included are the following talks: “Biotechnology and Economy: An ethical conflict of interest?”; “Human Biobanks -- Trustees and aspects of the current German discussion”; Biobanking and genetic testing: A comparison between European countries and India, “New Epidemics: A chance for Social rights, Justice and Health?” and “Genetic testing, pharmacogenetics, privacy and the responsibility of doctors in clinical trials”. The author hopes that this collection will stimulate further discussion

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biolaw, law, bioethics, ethics
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