Economic implications of medical liability claims:

Insurance and compensation schemes in Europe Von:
User: Lilou
Economic implications of medical liability claims:

The issue of Medical Liability in Europe has been intensively discussed since a long time, and it needs revision to come to a harmonisation. In June 2008, the Council of Europe’s Public and Private Law Unit (DG-HL Directorate General of Human Rights and Legal Affairs), in co-operation with the Health and Bioethics Divisions (DGIII - Social Cohesion), has organised a 2-day interdisciplinary Conference on “The ever-growing challenge of medical liability: national and European responses”. As stated, the aim of the Conference was to gather information, share experiences and examine ways of improving standards of dealing with medical liability in the member states. It is very important to show good practices in the field which simultaneously secure the individual’s access to the judiciary while ensuring just compensation for any medical malpractice were examined.

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