My Writings

This book is just some poetry (of different genres) I wrote. Please give me your opinions on my work! I'm always open to hearing everyone's opinion. I always want to improve as an author. 

Poetry, BriannaLea
Beiträge und Kommentare
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Richard Deforest""

The greatest disaster to strike humanity is not some pandemic but the rise of
social media where the worst of human nature and behaviour manifests itself in
140 characters or less. Where personal vendettas are published in a global
reach, where complex ideas are a kind of ""reductio ad absurdum"


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I'm at an impasse, how to react? It's raw... and moving... disquieting in a way. 407 words I'm glad I stopped to check out.

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BriannaLea Dvorak

Thank you! I love getting feedback because I want to improve my writings before I think about selling any.

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