New York Lovin' Von:

Xavier is the definition of a real man. He's my other half and also a man that i've been waiting for my whole life. He told me something that I would never forget. His words: "I'ma turn you out." I said "What?" "Turn me out?" "That sounds sexy, but whatchu mean?" He then says "It means loving you in everyway." 

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Los Angeles, CA

Zeitz's hit piece on resistance fails to mention what AP acknowledged: the
opposition to Johnson's war which gave rise to the Dissenting Democrats of
Texas. By 1967, Johnson's limo was escorted from the campus of the University
of Texas at Austin by outraged students chanting: ""LBJ, LBJ, how many kids
did you kill today?!"" No, Josh Zeitz, the the real myth you turn a blind eye
to is the failure of the media to... mehr anzeigen

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