a hoop too far Von:
Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

Brian, you are one of my favorite authors and I am thrilled to give you my vote. I look up to you as my mentor ... your help on my memoirs alone make you someone very special to me. Great going, as usual.

Wichtiger Beitrag

I think I have had those same neighbors so I can sympathize with you. Your story made me laugh thank you. I voted for you. Serena

Wichtiger Beitrag

There are some very good entries into the contest...some great ones, even...but this might be the very best! Brian, I roared!
You have to, at least...30 years-old to really appreciate the nuances:)
Brilliant, sir! Without a doubt or hesitation, my vote.

Wichtiger Beitrag

actually very funny if one is not on the receiving end of the crap...uh...rap..enjoyed ... I've met a couple of those doctors - one I outlived...P;]

Wichtiger Beitrag

I first read this at 3 am and did not quite "get" it, being fogged with sleep. Upon a second reading, I truly see the brilliance of your story and the reality of it. Ignore my private remarks, except for "lay", this is quite wonderful.

Your number one fan.

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