Location - Kodak Theatre

Oscar Night Von:
Location - Kodak Theatre
Hollywood at its best !

Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

Loved this little piece. An amusing and unexpected take on the great ceremony!

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Wichtiger Beitrag

I tend to like short stories more than their longer brethren. A short forces the writer to balance what he wants to say against what there's room for, to be vivid yet concise. The end result is usually something I can only describe as literary candy--it never fills you up but it certainly tastes good going down the hatch.

That said, the first sentence didn't seem to be punctuated right. I would have used a colon after "I've... mehr anzeigen

1 Kommentar

Thanks Ambrose, I'll try to punctuate correctly in future. The hummer was merely a point of tinsletown fashion. Last year it was a style thing,;:- this year its not the done thing. How flakey is that? Glad you enjoyed it. You might like to try some of the other shorts in my... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag

Enjoyable read! Don't hesitate to say that the ending kept me wanting to read more than there was to read!

Wichtiger Beitrag

Thank you for a well told story. Short, slick, beautiful ending, and very self assured.

I am new to Bookrix, and if I find many more like this, will have to write and thank Miranda for introducing me to it !


Wichtiger Beitrag

I appreciated your comments on my submission so was anxious to read yours. Beautifully written and very professional in that it flowed, was amusing, grammatically correct and entertaining. I think you have an excellent chance with this piece and I hope to read more of your work. I respect your opinions and would definitely enjoy receiving feedback on my ongoing memoirs, FEAST, FAMINE, FULFILLMENT. Good luck and thanks for a great read. Valerie

Wichtiger Beitrag

Yes, I enjoyed the moment in the life of a stand-in at the Academy Awards.

Would love more of the story, too!

Wichtiger Beitrag

Hi Brian,

A very well-written submission! You did an excellent job at letting the reader see through the eyes of a presenter. I would have liked to read more, only because it was such an enjoyable and effortless read, but at the same time I think you ended perfectly.

Good luck,

Wichtiger Beitrag
petra michelle

was so enjoyable! I so love your writing style and your ability to share events leading up to the Academies so realistically! It is wonderful, Brian!

Good luck in the contest, Brian! Petra :))

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