I Never Loved You

A short story from Egypt Von:
User: Boodie
I Never Loved You
One of the many stories behind doors, in Egypt life is different and social expectations sometimes would not make sense to Western culture. This one story is inspired by a lot of friends in my circle. Who just got married because they are expected to. This is a small window into normal Egyptian life.

Marriage, Romance, Love, Egypt
Beiträge und Kommentare
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I read this twice and still makes me sad

you have talent

6 Kommentare
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Thanks so much, this means a lot coming from someone as talented as you are :D


Aww that's so sweet xD


It's also very true :)

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Wichtiger Beitrag
James Gerard

I can only speak for myself, but I believe your honesty towards relationships and marriage speaks so sadly of the truth.

1 Kommentar

Thank you so much, thank you for reading my humble writings, and thank you for your nice encouraging words, I really appreciate it :)

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