The Dollar Stinger

User: D'opre
The Dollar Stinger


This thrilling journey of the intricacies of the dirty tricks of modern capitalism begins in October 1987 at the dawn of the greatest economic crisis since 1929 with a brilliant discovery of a genial financial analyst. The discovery will not stop the economical disaster, but will help two funds to survive. The survival will attract some very powerful people and The Stinger will be born. This great journey will lead you from New York through London, Southeast Asia, and Moscow to Washington where all the answers lie, and unravel many hidden answers leading to even more questions. Was the crisis a weapon or a natural consequence of modern capitalism? Is the "deep state" effect real? This flying journey ends in 2008 just after the outbreak of the last economic crises.

The story has been written in plain everyday language that converts over embellished economical phrases into easily understandable sentences for readers of any age. This political-economic thriller keeps the excitement at the highest level until the climax at the end. This thrilling novel will make you want to know more. Is everything really as it seems or are we living in a world of puppets and puppeteers?

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thriller, economy, politics, plot, mystery
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