Daemons and Vampyres

Daemons and Vampyres
This is, a week after last, they are in the World of Evil Demons (a forbidden place for young vampires) and when Skyress is a full vampire and not half vampire, half demon or half human, Ventos now Skyro has to leave her until she is fully trained, Oliver and Skyress are now dating since they fell in love when they first met, and they had to leave Emaly and everybody else for another week before returning to the Human World and Oliver is 17 (137 in Vampire) and Skyress is 16 (136 in Vampire), “Oliver,” Skyress said as her eyes turned black (Note-Black eyes mean she senses something dangerous), “I sense something dangerous brother,” “Nah it’s probably your imagination,” Oliver said, “We better hurry or our parents would be mad, besides we aren’t allowed to go to the world of Evil Demons,” Oliver thought then he heard his sister said something,” “No I am not imagining it, in fact I think I saw it too,” Dark Skyress said (note-her full vampire/demon name is Dark Skyress but it is really Light Skyress but they call her Dark Skyress because they like the dark) as her eyes turned dark blue, (Note-dark blue eyes mean she is very frightened) when they walked a little further they heard something then it popped out from behind them! “Good evening children! I hope you taste better than you look,” the demon said sarcastically, (note-this is a Hunger Demon, they are hungry all the time and they would eat anything!) “Sister get back, no, run and hide!” Oliver said, “Brother, I will not leave your side no matter what and besides where would I run?” Dark Skyress said, “Well, I am surely lucky, I got two meals! I think I’ll start with the girl first” The Hunger Demon said licking his lips and was about to attack Skyress! When all of a sudden a warrior showed up and sliced the demon in half, “Thank you sir whatever your name is,” Dark Skyress said as her eyes turned yellow (happy), “Glad to be of assistant, I am X,” X said as he disappeared. When the kids walked a little further and out of the World of Evil Demons and on their way home they stopped and saw a portal in front of them! “What’s this sister?” Oliver asked while Dark Skyress looked at the portal carefully, “I think it is a portal,” Skyress said, “Yeah, I know it is a portal, a portal to what!” Oliver said impatiently, “A portal to our past 2 weeks ago!” Skyress said surprised and then they watched what happened two weeks ago.

horror, vampires, demons, royals
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