My Teacher is My Mate

My Teacher is My Mate

Ava Winchester is a werewolf and lives in the small town of Harmony Grove. Her mate just so happens to be her new English teacher.
Matthew Briten is the new English teacher, and is also human. After calling off his engagement, he moved to Harmony Grove from Boston to get away from his crazy ex fiance.
Although it seemed wrong, it wasn't. After all, the Moon Goddess wouldn't of chosen them to be mates if they truly weren't meant to be.

Please keep in mind that I am young and that I'm not really the best at writing, I'm just trying to figure out what I'd like to do in the future. If you have any ideas on what I should include to the story, just message me and maybe I could fit it in.
Please give me feedback, good or bad. I like hate comments, they let me know what I'm doing wrong.

I have only gotten chapter 1 finished, if people like it I'll update more.

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