Ytterbium Fires

A Science Fiction Short Story Collection Von:
User: nitronaut
Ytterbium Fires

Treasonous humans, corporate goons, a mysterious crime scene onboard a space mine, a snuff collector, a subterranean explorer, winged sharks, a deadly robot, marooned time travellers, a marooned inter-galaxy cop and his prisoner, political intrigue during the interstellar space games, a robot armageddon, the birth of an A.I, a cyberpunk romance, and a tale about a human, an alien and an entity older than a star. Fourteen science fiction short stories from the author of A Hostile Takeover and The Blood Ring.

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In a non-theocratic society, laws are not the beacons of morality. They are
the beacons of order. Even a crime as dastardly as murder is enacted for the
purpose of keeping the peace. As the wars and poverty-induced famines
throughout history have shown, the law cares little for death by the hands of

Except, for some strange reason, for women with unborn fetuses.

We should no more be able to legislate... mehr anzeigen

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