The shadow of a Child

Indian Anecdotes Von:
The shadow of a Child
The three short stories in this book outline the lives of children in India that have been scorned, forgotten or abused. It looks at the depth of the issues surrounding children from an outsider's perspective. This is a book created especially for entry into the Drabbles contest.

children, feral, poverty, death
Beiträge und Kommentare
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It's unfortunate that in some countries, female babies are regarded as a burden. It's the harsh reality of life and you have pictured it very well with your writing.

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Wow I never knew how a person could write about somethig so sad. I loved how detailed you made the story Although I would like it if it was longer. I do have a question did the boy ever leave the wolfs? If so then how did he behave? anyway the stories were amazing and nicley structured Good Job!

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These stories may be short but they are very powerfully written stories.

My heart ached thinking that any child had to live like this. I stopped when I read the word infanticide and looked it up .The murder of an infant after birth, or murdering the child while inside the womb.This is usually done because the family is so poor.If you have a girl you must provide a dowry when she marries.
I can't imagine a parent playing God,... mehr anzeigen

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Thought provoking stories about man's inhumanity. Animals have more love for their own.

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