The Verdict

User: bettyc
The Verdict
Two total strangers, a man and a woman are the only passengers on the last train. Socially they are worlds apart and the woman anticipates the worst...

fiction, social realism
Beiträge und Kommentare
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reading this before now. A great story with one of your little twist in it. Love it...Paula

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As you so rightly say:'Never judge a book by its cover!'
What is more we are all created equal at least in that respect! (The wind)
Thanks for popping in to read and comment on my story.
All the best.


Wichtiger Beitrag

Dear David,
Thank you for taking the time to read and comment so kindly on my story. I'll have to reread it to find those errors; if I can't find them I hope you will point them out to me.

Celestial being? That was not what was in mind, but maybe she was?

What I was thinking of was that it would have made her realise that she should not be too quick to judge and condemn other people, after all basically we are all equal; we can... mehr anzeigen

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This is a pretty darned good piece of writing. I noticed a couple of minor typos--nothing that a thorough proof reading wouldn't fix. The story was great. The male character's dialogue caused me give consideration to the possibility that the old woman might have been thinking out loud without being aware of it, or that this lowly appearing man was perhaps much more than imagined (i.e. a visitation from a celestial being).

"For... mehr anzeigen

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I liked this story, it had a neat ending. I have gone through what the riders have myself. Funny how the mind plays tricks on you.

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I liked this story, it had a neat ending. I have gone through what the riders have myself. Funny how the mind plays tricks on you.

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I really enjoyed this book. All too often we fall victim to our own prejudices and assumptions. A job well done!

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