Business As Usual

User: bettyc
Business As Usual
Granny is the self-effacing drudge who collects Simon, her only grandson, from kindegarten every Wednesday afternoon. One day she fails to turn up. She has disappeared almost without trace. Her daughter and son-in-law are concerned, flabbergasted and inconvenienced. A year later the truth about Granny's secret life is revealed in a most unexpected way.

Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

I've just read your very generous comment; thank you very much for giving me a star and voting for my book.

The lives of people, who never do anything sufficiently spectacular to hit the headlines, interest me much more than anything else. They trudge on year after year and do what they can to give their lives significance.

Sincere best wishes and thanks once again.


Wichtiger Beitrag

What great story-telling abilities Betty.
You've also chosen several modern-day (yet, timeless) dilemmas, and woven them into a tale of what love and life are really all about.
Characterizations are perfect. Dialog; perfect. Overall rating for this one: Perfect.
I don't think my vote is going to make much difference (got one anyway though)'re right about the huge amount of net-working involved with these contests.... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag

i really love this book, when i started to read i could not stop untill i was done. very good book

Wichtiger Beitrag

Great story! Thanks for letting me read and comment. I vote your book. All the best!

2 Kommentare

I'm glad you enjoyed reading it. Thank you once again.
Best wishes

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Wichtiger Beitrag

Hello Amberis,
Thank you for reading my book and I'm glad you liked it well enough to give it a star.
All the best

Wichtiger Beitrag

I liked this story a lot. Your command over the language is excellent. You are very talented.

1 Kommentar

Thank you for taking the time to read my book, Koyel. I'm glad you liked it, and thank you for your kind comments. :-)

Wichtiger Beitrag

Hi Betty!

Thank you for reading my book! I truly enjoyed this, it was funny! I loved the dialogue. Great job of building tension and developing interesting characters. Granny rocks! I enjoyed the ending, did not expect that at all.

Great Job, look forward to reading others :)

Wichtiger Beitrag

Dear Etelizabeth,
Yes, I see what you mean; changing viewpoints does interrupt the flow. As I've entered the story for the competition, I cannot enter it immediately. Afterwards I can and probably will.
Thank you for taking the time to read and comment.
All the very best.

Wichtiger Beitrag

I read your book, and found it a very compelling story; the only thing that stopped my read was when the point of view changed unexpectedly and I had to regroup to see who was doing the speaking. The story itself is absolutely a gem, and would be unbeatable if the flow of characters was told by either a single person, or possibly only one other change. I loved the tale, and thanks for giving me such a glimpse! Wa do, Elizabeth

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