Spring Is My Name

Spring Is My Name
Spring is a werewolf living on her own. Her father was a werewolf but he abanndoned her at the age of just five years old. She knew her mother died giving birth to her. She's 18 now living on the streets. Her worst fear is that she'll never find anyone of her kind again or if she will never find out if anyone is. Life seemed hopeless but does it stay like that?

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Please Finish.This is very good.
And the part when they came outside they were talking about the sex,that was very funny.I would've been so embarressed.LOL.
Spring is a beautiful name and now I know where she gets it from.They named her spring becuase of her green nature colored eyes and tree bark colored hair.it is all in springtime.So her name is Spring.Beautiful name.
Please finish becuase i love this book and i like it alot... mehr anzeigen

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