My entry into the YoungWriters 'Paint Your Picture With Words' contest. A descriptive flash fiction.

Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

I could hardly breathe, it was almost as if I was drowning too.

I did love the last line. "She's alive." You know I'm a sucker for a happy ending.

Well, I guess it was a happy ending. I guess it depends on your perspective.

She might have disagreed with me on that.

At any rate, It was a very well written story, once you get over the font you use in the stories you write.

Wichtiger Beitrag
Gwinevere Keethley

I don't think that you could be any more descriptive with what you've written here. You really put yourself into this writing didn't you? Well anyway, I absolutely love this. Continue this story, and I think it will really bloom into an awesome book. Keep writing and good luck! ^v^

Wichtiger Beitrag


You possess the creative writing talent to make color come to life. The pictures you paint with words are so captivating. This is a very interesting and touching story.

Exceptional writing.


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