
Short, Short Story Von:
User: becky6161
Short, short story about what happens one night when the monster decides to finally come out from under the bed. The boy and his family will never be the same...

monster, bed, boy, family
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█▬█ ︀█ ︀▀█▀ ︀18+ ︀>>>>>

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lamest ever >:( why the hell did you botehr writing that

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█▬█ ︀█ ︀▀█▀ ︀18+ ︀>>>>>

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Well this was blunt. Strange and expected all at the same time. haha ;) But isn't that what every child thinks when he or she thinks there is a monster under his or her bed? I don't know. But this was playful. So pretty good, all in all.


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