The Loveliest Girl

The Loveliest Girl
Among the Old Orchard Beach cognoscenti, Cassie Moffat was considered town slut. Whether her lurid reputation was justified or not wasn't really open for debate.

short story
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I appreciated your gracious remarks. A website like this is a godsend for short story writers who find it difficult to get published through conventional means.
I just ran across a ninety-five year old man who is still writing (on another website) and turning out amazing fiction! But without conscientious readers, such as yourself, we would be functioning in a vacuum so thanks again for keeping me in mind and if you read... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag

I wanted to be the first to congratulate you on this wonderful piece of writing. You have done a tremendous job of drawing the reader in and making them live the story with you. I absolutely love it and have, apparently, drawn everyone else's attention to it as well, which is a good thing. All the best Barry and I shall avidly read all your other books. Valerie

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Thanks for the kind words.

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