Small Favors

Small Favors
Marcie Callahan’s parents run around the house in their underwear; they belch and fart and do all sorts of gross and disgusting things. They don't have a stitch of class or culture or brains or social graces. Which is why Marcie is ready for a change.

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Wichtiger Beitrag

I hearken back to Singer's comments. To Entertain and instruct. There aren't many better at it than you. This was another gem.

2 Kommentare
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Wichtiger Beitrag

Being Jewish myself, with most of my friends Christian, I can say I have encountered many characters like these. You described them perfectly and ended my Sunday on a very happy note. Love your books....keep on writing.

Wichtiger Beitrag

You have met these people. We (i.e. writers) run into them on a daily basis but don't recognize them as such. A case in point: my wife and I went to Chicago several years back on business. In the hotel lobby a bride, in full gown and elaborate tiara, was storming about screaching about something that had gone wrong with her wedding ceremony. I'll never forget how silly she looked, having a hiisy-fit in a swanky hotel.
That was... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag

Thanks for the positive thoughts. Sometimes you don't know if a plot really works until a few people provide you with feedback. This story was based on an actual event. My wife and I went to Chicago on business and in the hotel we were staying in a bride (in her gown) was storming about threatening the manager because something has gone wrong with the wedding ceremony. It seemed like the beginning of a really neat story.
... mehr anzeigen

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