Fun with Dick and Jane

Fun with Dick and Jane
Who remembers the Fun with Dick and Jane reader? Dick wants fun. He has no dog. He has no cat. No Spot. No Puff. But he has a plan. See Dick board the plane. See Dick fly away. Far, far away. Bye Jane!

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Wichtiger Beitrag

So many men spend their lives in quiet desperation. So glad your "Dick" managed to get away. Wonderful story. Thank you.

2 Kommentare

As I mentioned in a previous post, there is a famous German short story about a druggist, an absolute nebbish, who runs off to join the French Foreign Legion. Similarly, I heard a story many years ago from a friend of a friend of a friend once removed about a nerdy fellow... mehr anzeigen

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Thanks for the positive feedback. This was one of those stories that are fun to write because the characters are funny and totally unpredictable. You have to let the story take you (i.e. the writer) where it wants and not the other way around.

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I once knew a fellow in a similar, sticky bind, but the German story is based on a piece of fiction I stumbled across in a conversational German class thirty years ago.
The 'real life' Dick plotted his great escape scrupulously and told absolutely no one - not even me!!!

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