green eyes

where are you Von:
green eyes
Christy has many friends but there is one inparticular friend that she can't forget. She was best friends with Tyler since they were little kids. On the first day of their freshman year Tyler dissapears without even a note. NO one knows where he went, not his other friends or even his parents. The worse part? Christy loves him and she never got to tell. But on her first day of sophmore year he's back. everyone is surrounding him asking questions and wanting answers. Christy is totally ignored be her former best friend. Will christy get her BFF back, more than BFF, or will she not forgive him no matter what? Will her questions be answered:Why did he leave and not tell her? Who is the guy that came right after Tyler and what does he want with Christy?

romance, mystery, christy, tyler, high school, love
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