
Each scar has a story to tell.... Von:
''Why don't you understand, that I want to be left alone!'' I yell at him

''Why don't you let anybody in?'' He fires back and takes a step closer to me causing my back to hit the wall behind me, his arms on either side of me caging me. His breath mixing with mine, those lips so soft, I wonder what- wait what?! I shake my head slightly and push him away with all my for.

''I'm a broken girl, Dimitri. I can't be fixed'' I mutter before I run away from his, the only person who bothered, only person who cared and the only person I found myself to love'

It all started when they left me, left me to live a life that broke me but made me who I am.

I built walls, kept everybody out until he came demanding answers that is.

When Zarinah's parents died in a car crash in the same car that she was driving in she and her older brother were sent to live with their aunt in England. She started a new school, made friends, made enemies, everybody thought that she was fine but nobody knew what she was going through, she cut herself to make herself feel better but all it did was weaken her. Nobody ever realised what was going on until one day the schools bad boy Dimitri notices. He demands answers but can she tell him?

(I felt like writing something different for a change)

Scars, Dimitri, Evelyn, Love, Blame, Lonely, Young Adult
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