The skin-friendly cuisine - Neurodermatitis

Delicious recipes for a balaanced diet as a contribution to the relief of the skin condition Von:
The skin-friendly cuisine - Neurodermatitis

100% Recipes - 0% Talk - The Olsson Promise

If you like delicious recipes, this is the book for you - no talk, just delicious dishes.


One book - over 60 recipes - enjoyable with neurodermatitis without remorse - 100% taste.


Neurodermatitis-friendly cooking does not have to be complicated. In order to alleviate the consequences of the disease through nutrition, you need the right ingredients and recipes. Here, this book helps with a colorful selection of the most diverse dishes.


Try out numerous, original recipe ideas. Create delicious snacks and main dishes in your kitchen in no time.


  • How about Indian-style crêpes for in-between?
  • Fancy a zucchini and asparagus chicken casserole?
  • Looking for tasty main dish ideas when you have a spontaneous visitor?
  • Should it be for the packed lunch at work...?
  • ...or just freshly cooked food to enjoy with your loved ones without having to cook twice?


Fast - Delicious - Skin-friendly

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