Why can't you love me

Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag
peggles vor ca. 14 Jahren bearbeitet

You should put this to music it is perfect for a love lorn song

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rubycutie2 vor ca. 15 Jahren bearbeitet

Hey guys thanks for favoriting but can some of you rate oh but not my spelling i no its bad ive been in a bit of a rush because i havent had the time to edit very well thank you for being patient with me though haaha thanks

Wichtiger Beitrag
lazarus67 vor ca. 15 Jahren bearbeitet

We have all been there.

PS....Just one small criticism, if I may.
Seperate the sentences,punctuating in the right places, and pls.pay attention to spelling.
Otherwise it's very sentimental.

Wichtiger Beitrag
riddhi vor ca. 15 Jahren bearbeitet

its the bitter truth of life , we love someone whos always loving others and we r just option

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