A Whole Heart Lover Broken

The Romance of a Lifetime Series ... Book 1 Von:
A Whole Heart Lover Broken
Xiolette, a beautiful young girl, untainted, loveable, pure hearted and a virgin. All seems well in the eyes of this naieve girl, until the night she enteres the train station to go home. What becomes of Xiolette after a horrible incident?

Romance, Rape, Erotic, Drama
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A story of harsh realities brought home to a starry eyed school girl. The pleasures in life are not free but in a twisted way are still pleasures whether we want them or not. Its a hard lesson and well presented by this author. Well done. I guess you could call this tale a bittersweet romance. Please do continue with your story, I'd like to read more. Thank you for sharing.

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This book soo good. Please write more.

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Ill continue writing tomorrow afternoon, thanks for the comment, im delighted to know you like my book! =)

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good so far please write more

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