Reasons Behind

Reasons Behind
Expectations usually hurts but not when you expect from the right person.

For Jabirah, life is just so easy. But ease and hardship goes hand in hand. She will encounter the same problems as other girls do but how will she be able to overcome them?
This is the story which shows, whether good or bad, every thing has a reason behind...

love, life, complications, patience
Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

''Her life gave everything a new turn after she folded into college. She encountered with experiences she wasn't ready for'' these lines make my heart pound.

2 Kommentare
Arooha Arif

The story will make your heart beat even more faster :)
I hope so.

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Wichtiger Beitrag

I was truly touched by your story! Love is so beautiful and what's amazing, we get to take that Love with us until death do we part. Leaving us with the Reflections of all those wonderful memories shared. It was an Awesome indite and thanks for sharing it! :)

1 Kommentar
Arooha Arif

Sorry I didn't saw this comment before. Yes love is what teaches everything. hope you are waiting for more. I'll update soon :)

Wichtiger Beitrag

Your work is extremely beautiful. You wrote a lovely story, selection of words is amazin'. Keep it up :)

1 Kommentar
Arooha Arif

Thank you ^^

Wichtiger Beitrag
Gelöschter User

It's beautiful. .your writing is almost poetic. There are some gaps in the story but that is what makes it beautiful. Specially because you wrote it for your Father, which is just heart touching. You have great talent and be sure when I tell you you'll go very far in life. Please continue writing, you are really good at it.
The way each sentence has been framed is extraordinary.They are simple and delicate yet so intricately... mehr anzeigen

3 Kommentare
Arooha Arif

thank you! It felt great to read such an appreciation :) it is dedicated to father because he is the best man and Sir Bashir Raza was my teacher, he was just like my father too ^^

Gelöschter User

It's just the truth. :) I'm sure they were great men. :)

Arooha Arif

Thank you again. they sure were. :')

Wichtiger Beitrag
Glynis Rankin

So sad. I enjoyed this and I agree with Sabhow, it needs some revision but I can see a lovely story enfolding her. Let me know when you have more.

1 Kommentar
Arooha Arif

Thank you. I'll of coarse revise it. Hope this book turns out as I expect in the end. :)

Wichtiger Beitrag
Gelöschter User

This is really good. It's so sad, and it made me see what was happening. It seemed to end abruptly though, and I'm not sure if you intended it to or not. With some revisions, this could be a great story.

3 Kommentare
Arooha Arif

Thank you :)
I've a great story in my mind. I thought to have some reviews, I'll make some changes when it will reach some stage.

Gelöschter User

Make sure you update me when you do! :)

Arooha Arif

sure :)

Wichtiger Beitrag
Gelöschter User

Aww, how sad! Can't wait to read more!

You have a few grammatical errors scattered about the book, but it really isn't that big of a deal. A simple skim-through should fix that.

1 Kommentar
Arooha Arif

Thank you :) I'll be updating soon.
I'll edit it in the end.

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