Lord of the Crows

Lord of the Crows
Author's note: This is for a challenge on Booksie. Kitara's writing challenge.
Dalton was a lord, lord of the crows that is. But he’s also a shape-shifter. He needs an heir, and he knows just who he is but the trouble is Zorak and Damian, two villianous guys who want Stone for they know what Stone could do.

taxi cab, dinosaur, rifle, msytery, fantasy
Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

I would love to read and review this piece! However, I don't have time right now. So would you be kind enough to post the link to this book on my pin board so I can come back to it later?
Thanks :)


Wichtiger Beitrag

I didn't know how it was possible to combine your three elements, but you pulled it off quite nicely!!! I really liked this story, Art, it kept me reading. Good work!!!1

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