Modern Spanish Lyrics

User: silviya
Modern Spanish Lyrics
The Present olume A ms To Furn sh Amer can Students Of
Span sh W th A Con en ent Select on Of The Cast l an
Lyr cs Best Adapted To Class Read ng. t Was The ntent on
Of The Ed tors To nclude No Poem Wh ch D d Not Possess
D st nct L terary alue. On The Other Hand, Some Of The
Most Famous Span sh Lyr cs Do Not Seem Apt To Awaken The
nterest Of The A erage Student: t s For Th s Reason
That Scholars W ll M ss The Names Of Certa n Em nent Poets
Of The _S glo De Oro_. The N neteenth Century, Hardly
nfer or n Mer t And Nearer To Present-Day Readers n
Thought And Language, s Much More Fully Represented.
No Apology s Needed For The nclus on Of Poems By
Span sh-Amer can Wr ters, For They W ll Bear Compar son
Both n Style And Thought W th The Best Work From The
Mother Pen nsula.

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