I'm Still Here Breathing

When love goes terribly wrong. Von:
User: sundazed
I'm Still Here Breathing
Taryn is in love. Not the sweet kind you read about. But the kind that can get you killed. Why’d he have to come back now?

Adrienne never planned it to happen this way, get in and get out was the agenda. But she captivated him, made him feel alive again. That’s why he has to kill her.

Micah had to have her. After all, he’d had her first. Kill for what you love, was his way of life and he planned to live that way for her. He’d get her back.

He didn’t love her, that she knew to be fact. All Daun wanted to know was why, and she’d get her answer one way or the other.

Who will get what they think they want, and at what cost will they get it? And who’ll still be breathing in the end.

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and i cant read the book change it to G rated on your the thing so i can read it or change it for everyone to see or just let me read it at the center.lol

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