
A novella Von:

"What if you fail?" I ask.


A silence fills the air for a long time.






"You'll go insane..."



Lia, David, and Micheal all have the same dream every Saturday night, a girl in a mirror, then suddenly, an array of color. The only thing they have in common is that something was taken away from them. So when a beautiful porcelain doll shows up inside the asylum, they all decide to take a risk. The doll leads them into a world of color, that is not what it seems. 


This book has 3 story options. At the beginning, you will be prompted to choose a character, Lia, David, or Micheal. The rest of your book will be told from their point of view. Right now I only have Lia done, I think i will add the other POV's after Lia's Story is done, because there will be a lot of loose ends.              ***PLEASE DO NOT SWITCH POV IN THE MIDDLE, IT WILL RUIN THE EXPERIENCE***

Doll, Crime, Love, Death
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