I fucking hate you, but i love you

I fucking hate you, but i love you

A story about a man who is in love with one man and sexual active with another.  He has to choose who he wants to be with and it is harder than he would have thought. Does he choose the one that makes his blood pump and his penis harder than ever or the one he knows will always be there for him and love him no matter what? And what will the two guys say when they meet each other?

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Washington, DC

Most Americans are surprised to learn that in 2010 Sweden had a foreign born
population of 14.3% (Eurostat), while according to Pew Research, in 2013 the
U.S. foreign born population was around 13%. Wikipedia also offers: ""As of
2016, Statistics Sweden reported that around 2,320,000 or 23.2% of the
inhabitants of Sweden were from a foreign background: that is, each such
person either had been born abroad or had been... mehr anzeigen

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