Daddy It Hurts

Rewrite of the Poem We Have All Heard Von:
Daddy It Hurts
The baby who didn't survive

Abuse, Baby, Fathers, Death
Beiträge und Kommentare
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Oh my god this made my cry. When something is so well written like that, it makes me think about how that really does happen to some innocent people and it is utterly devastating.

2 Kommentare
Pamella Lynn-Cheri Guilick-Wire

Yeah..and i dont own this poem but i wanted to share it.

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Made me cry. I have three kids of my own and four to-be step kids. HOW, HOW could any parent murder their own child? If you can't handle it, let a loving, caring person raise your child for you.

3 Kommentare
Pamella Lynn-Cheri Guilick-Wire

Yeah. Well I about a month ago I got prego and I miscarried. I'm 16. And it's been hard cuz I would be 2 months right now but I lost it and now I'm just bleeding it out.....I couldn't handle that let alone reading a poem about a man who murdered a baby on purpose.

Gelöschter User

I know how you feel. Lost my third baby 8 years ago come October. I was 6 weeks along. Eventually it gets better. Take it day by day.

Pamella Lynn-Cheri Guilick-Wire

Tryin....hopefully I can try to forget

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