To Love A Vampire

Dark Vampire Knight Series: Book One Von:
To Love A Vampire

Emily Payne, your average goth girl, is going to live with her dad. However, she comes upon an awesome goth kid: one with white hair and green blue eyes. Will Jagger Maxwell ever reveal his secret, turn Emily, and be with her for all eternity?

Book One of the Dark Vampire Knight Series.

Dieses Buch ist Teil der Reihe "Dark Vampire Knight"
Alle Bücher dieser Reihe:
To Love A Vampire
Dark Vampire Knight Series: Book One
0,00 US$
Vampire Thief
Dark Vampire Knight Series: Book Three
Forever A Vampire
Dark Vampire Knight Series: Book Four - The Final Installment
Betrayed By A Vampire
Dark Vampire Knight Series: Book Two
1,99 US$

Dieses eBook ist erhältlich bei:

und in vielen anderen eBook-Shops

0,00 US$
Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

OH MY GOD! im speachless ! i, dont knw what to shocked in amazment!....omg, i dont knw wht to say!.....5 STAR RATING ! i loved it<3 <3 !!!!!

Wichtiger Beitrag

how can i download the book?

3 Kommentare

download the kindle app on any smartphone or similar device, open the application, create an amazon account to sign in if you don't already have one (no worries its free), go to amazon search the book title or my name (Annarose Vittoria) and download from there.


i did it but i only download a sample. could u please put the book so we can download it?


i already download it tanx

Wichtiger Beitrag
Gelöschter User

I love this story!

Wichtiger Beitrag

just as a reminder I know it seems confusing but this book is available for free download on the kindle app, you can download it on you smart phone or computer, also the series has been completed it consists of 4 books the second book is not available for free but it isn't expensive,
thank you my loving fans
p.s. if you send me a message with something in the subject line that lets me know
it is a message about my books... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag

Do you think you could put this as free? I REAALLLY want to know what happens!

3 Kommentare

just download the kindle app and you are able to download for free


i still cannot download it


did u download the kindle app, what type of device r u using

Wichtiger Beitrag

y did u put a price on the book if it only cost $0.00...
can u put the book on free so that my friend could read it.

1 Kommentar

this book is up for free the reason it says $0.00 is because its published and available on amazon to promote the next book in the series which is not free

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