The Journey to the Other Side

User: annieg
The Journey to the Other Side
My long black hair flowed down my back to my hips. I had on a pair of khaki shorts that were cut mid-thigh. They were worn out, and charred from the heat. I wore a small black shirt that barely fit, and had many small holes, from years of wearing. My gloves, missing the fingers were black, along with my combat boots. I had two leather straps that formed a huge “x” on my shoulder, chest, and stomach, on the back was a long sleek sword, encrusted with jewels. I must have been a sight to see to those who I led towards the underworld. I still remember the day in fact, the day my journey began…

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err, i have started chapter 3, a while ago actually, i've just been caught up with school and i have a bit of writers block, i am still writing this story...just slowly

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i want to read more please update chapter 3^^

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i love this book, you have to write more^_^
Brilliant that's all i can say. pure brilliant!

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since you told me to, i updated it :D i added a chapter 2 to this just click and it should be there

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