Cat Fleas

How to Cope Von:
Cat Fleas
Fleas are a nightmare.They have been around for centuries and are impossible to eradicate. All too frequently, you do not realize they are in your home, and on your body and that of your cat until it is too late. Within days, your cat and your home is infested with fleas. Dealing with them can be a nightmare. The problem can be minimized and dealt with - as long as you deal with it on a holistic basis - rather than just relying on one measure. No single type of treatment is enough.

Having suffered the problem of a major infestation,I know how upsetting and uncomfortable life becomes for both you and your cat. Pet stores and vets are experiencing an ever-increasing demand for products and information about dealing with fleas. The hardest part is trying to decide how to deal with infestations. All too often the impression is given that all you need to do is to administer a flea control to your cat and that is all that is needed. Unfortunately, once fleas are in the house, it becomes much more difficult to control. A lot of work is needed.

This is a practical, straightforward guide offering suggestions as to ways of dealing with fleas both on an emergency and on a long term basis, whether you prefer chemicals or natural methods. The book explains the nature of the problem, and highlights exactly how to deal with infestations. There are both chemical and natural alternatives available. It is up to you to choose what is right for you.

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