Funny PR Travel Yoga Lifestyle or DIY freelance service for wise Angel, translation from Russian by Andrei Shaiko (Autobiographical self – employer business – book) 45 page

Funny, PR, Travel, for wise, Angel, Autobiographical, self – employer, business, book, translation, from, Russian, by, Andrei Shaiko, fun, alternative, lifestyle, profit, saving, value, ideas, techniques, male escort, boy, guide, virtual, son, sperm donor, Russia, Belarus, My native town, National Traditions, National Food, Funny Yoga Lifestyle, Yoga benefits, Food for Yoga, Water for all and for Yoga as well, Swimming, Sexual activity for Yoga, PR travel, DIY, Freelance, Service, Marketing, Flea Market, Substitute Products or Services, Postal Worldwide Marketing, Delegation, International, Management Von:
Funny PR Travel Yoga Lifestyle or DIY freelance service for wise Angel, translation from Russian by  Andrei Shaiko  (Autobiographical self – employer business – book) 45 page
Here lots of fun and alternative lifestyle with profit – saving plus value – making ideas and techniques.

1 Russian country
1.1 Belarus
1.2 My native town, Rechitsa
1.3 National Traditions: “KALYADY”, “KUPALLE”
1.4 Ritual Belarusian National Food
1.5 The wisdom from Belarusian Poetry, a fable “The Ram with a Diploma”
1.6 The National Coat of Arms of the Belarusian state
1.7 The National FLAG of the Belarusian state
2 Funny Yoga Lifestyle
2.1 Yoga benefits
2.2 Food for Yoga
2.3 Water for all and for Yoga as well
2.4 Swimming
2.5 Sexual activity for Yoga
3 PR travel
5 Freelance
6 Service
7 Marketing
7.1 Flea Market
7.2 Substitute Products or Services
7.3 Postal Worldwide Marketing
8 Delegation as International Management

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