ChatGPT - Talk to me!
Your guide for successful communication with ChatGPT including 400 sample prompts Von: Andreas Wenth Hörbuch
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"ChatGPT - Talk to me! Your guide to successful communication with chat GPT with 400 sample prompts" by Andreas Wenth offers a comprehensive insight into the world of speech-generative artificial intelligence (AI). The author, himself owner of the award-winning digital agency #clicksgefühle for 25 years, FH Lektor and AHS professor, shares his expertise and gives practical tips for the successful use of chat GPT in various application areas. Everything from customer service to education and entertainment will be covered. Important aspects such as privacy and responsible use of Chat GPT are also covered. Learn how to make the most of Chat GPT and use it to your advantage.
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4,99 €
chatgpt, openai, artificial intelligence, elon musk
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