The Sinister Ride

User: Andreas
The Sinister Ride
In former times people thought that some kind of elves could use sleeping humans to reveal the secrets of nature. Are these elves gone for ever or do they still need unsuspecting souls to learn of the deep night?

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Snoopy würde behaupten, Du hättest ihm den Anfang gemopst. Aber er hat sich da ja auch bei Vorgängern bedient.

"It was late, a night of storm and rain."

Sind also oft keine Alpträume, sondern nette Elfen, die eine Reit-Gelegenheit suchen. Erinnert an das Konzept von Inkubus und Sukkubus. Wenn das ihr Steckenpferd ist, ihr Hobby-horse.

Wobei Hobby Horsing gerade der... mehr anzeigen

The lady on the Rolls-Royce von Phil Humor - Buch online lesen kostenlos - eBook Download David Thunder stopped his Rolls-Royce in front of another Rolls-Royce. “Do you need my helping hand?” he asked the lady, who was sitting on the hood of her Rolls-Royce. “It is getting dark and cold – and you wear just a thin, white silk dress.” “You describe very exactly my outfit. Good powers of observation, sir. I am waiting for you here. You are David Thunder – the famous TV talk show host. I have an offer for you. You should not reject. My offer is very attractive.” She smiled. David got out of his Rolls-Royce. “Are you not afraid, that the big bad wolf could come along here? This is not a busy road.” ... Coverfoto:
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Ein unglaublich spannender Text mit viel Wirkung. Ich kann mir alles bildhaft vorstellen!
Super geschrieben! Und auch das Cover ist wie immer sehr passend und stimmungsvoll.



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Gelöschter User

I really enjoyed the read, It was filled with imaginative imagery and roller coaster action befitting the character. Bravo, ty for sharing.

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You write in English? I didn't know that ... nice story though ... I like the way you create a certain atmosphere ...

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Flash Fiction. I, like Tia, was hooked the moment she turned into a cat. Your images were, on the whole, very striking. I wondered, however, on page 3 how she intended to ride the magical horse perched on his...chest? One small word:) I should have thought back, or shoulders. Kudos anyway, sir!

2 Kommentare
Andreas BookRix-Administrator

Hi Patrick! :-)

Many thanks for reading and commenting!
Yes, I actually meant "chest". ;-)
That's why the horse is "out of breath".


Now it's clear. Thanks, A!

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I just love it! You got me at the moment the girl changed herself into a cat.
Ein Ritt durch die Wolken einer Gewitternacht - das bleibt als atemberaubendes Bild haften.
LG DublinerTinte ;0)

1 Kommentar
Andreas BookRix-Administrator

Danke Pia! :-)
Na ja, Du als Pferdefreundin wirst es natürlich doppelt mögen, auch wenn das "Pferd" kein echtes ist. :-)


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Gefälltmir gut, dieser kurze englische Text. Er liest sich flüssig. Jetzt auch noch auf Deutsch, um es als Gegenstück zu haben, dann ist es perfekt.

LG Rene

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