Frankincense and Myrrh

User: anandbose
Frankincense and Myrrh

I have developed a new style of fiction called Philosophical Fiction. Philosophical fiction uses various literary devices like new tropes, new idioms, allegories, puns, and allusions. There is interpretation of older texts like the Bible and the texts of maestros. Philosophical fiction also includes lampooing and the pastiche.  There are also epiphanic autobiographies.


Here is an excerpt: 'Mr Holmes was resting in bed when Watson knocked on the door. He said to Watson to come on in. Watson said to Holmes: ' The News Paper is screaminhg: Biggest Bank Heist in London. Police have no clues. Mr Holmes ssmiled and said: Watson Please Count the money.

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Philosophical Fiction, Novellete, Bible, Christianity, Puns, Allusions,... mehr anzeigen
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