Eternal Love

I know what you are... Von:
User: ana.belle
Eternal Love
This poem I wrote about two years ago, for my English homework. It was supposed to be horror, but I couldn't just let my character die, so I mixed some romance in here as well. Here's what came out of it. Hope you enjoy.

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Interesting and you had very strong voice in this poem. I liked reading it and I would be happy if you added more. Probably just because I am a sucker for poetry ^_^ haha but if you don't add more I promise I won't be too down :D

4 Kommentare

I'll think about writing more poems after I finish 'Juliet & Romeo', okay?

Gelöschter User

It's up to you. You are the writer I'm just a fan.

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♣ Ordinarily Obscure ♣

Wow! I love narrative poems, especially this one in particular. I hope it is okay to add this to my group "Underdog Books". It is for amazing booms that do not receive many hearts. :)

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