My Poems

The sad times Von:
My Poems
"Black Butterfly, Bleed the Soul"
All the sad and upsetting times I've been though. Hope you understand them.

Beiträge und Kommentare
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You and I, we have the same sort of style of writing poems. And what more, we both write because of the dark feelings that overcome us. When I read your poems, I was reading my own story told back to me from the eyes of another person that understands my sadness, sorrow and depression. I'd say that I enjoyed reading this, but really it echoed my whole depressing situation. Anyway, I'm glad I there's someone out there that feels the way I do.

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Gelöschter User

These poems are very heartfelt and somehow I feel like I can relate to them. Its kind of like the poems speak to u. (I know, I know. Sounds insaine doesn't it.)

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Gelöschter User

These poems are very heartfelt and somehow I feel like I can relate to them. Its kind of like the poems speak to u. (I know, I know. Sounds insaine doesn't it.)

Wichtiger Beitrag

Good start. There are some spelling errors. A quick read through will point them out to you./joeparente

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You need to tighten up on your spelling or typing, that said, I read all but one which was too small for my eyesight. I suppise, of their kind, they are quite good but I found them too dark and disgturbing for real enjoyment. I never had a great dela of angst in my life so did not need to write about it. I hope your moof will lighten in the future and creat brighter works

Wichtiger Beitrag

You poetry speaks of such pain. My favorite was the Shadows. Yes, it seems this world is black and white, but truly it is worth living. Sometimes the pain outweighs the love, but over all, the blessings outweigh the pain. You have captured the angst of youth well. Keep writing, keeping hoping, it will get better. Robynn

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Dylan Thomas said "Poetry is what makes me laugh or cry or yawn,what makes my toenails twinkle, what makes me want to do this or that or nothing."Just keep writing and watch your spelling. Serena

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Hi Lonely...thank you for sharing these sad poems. Yes, I agree with unwanted. You will grow as a writer of poetry with every new work you create. If I might make a suggestion to help you along on this exciting road, and to help you garner a wider readership, begin reading the best poets' works. Study them. What kinds of images have they created with carefully chosen words? Analyze WHY a particular piece moved you. Your... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag

keep writing don't give up. these are really good. talk to a professional who can help you to accomplish your goal at becoming a famous well know peom writer

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