Sylent Nyght

Part 1 of the Sylent Nyght Saga Von:
User: dysamyne
Sylent Nyght
Evlyn lives in a boring small town until one day she learns about a murder. Little does she know the town will be covered in blood? More murders begin to happen and burglaries slowly start. Oddly the murders don’t show signs of a serial killer…. Raymond and Nyght Miller are new to the town and seem to be nice kind hearted people but is there another side to them? They seem to have had a bad past. What happened to them and what are they doing in the little town?

Dieses Buch ist Teil der Reihe "Sylent Nyght"
Alle Bücher dieser Reihe:
Sylent Nyght
Part 1 of the Sylent Nyght Saga
Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

I am truly enjoying the read, Amber. You have set the stage and continue to build the intrigue throughout. Chris

4 Kommentare

Thank you, Chris.


I love the way you have tied everything up in chapter 16 - A Mother's Worse Nyghtmare. Up to this point, I was curious as to why/how Nyght and Raymond selected their intended victims. However, having learned the history behind their killing spree I have developed a certain... mehr anzeigen


Thank you

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Gelöschter User

Awesome as usual! ^.^

2 Kommentare

Thank you :D

Gelöschter User

No problem!

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