The terror of fun

User: altonnew
The terror of fun
Is waiting in line the worst part of the ride or is it an experience all it's own. Originally created for the flash fiction contest and for fun

flash fiction contest
Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

I can relate to this story...waited in line for 45 minutes at Disney for a hair raising roller coaster ride just to bolt down an emergency exit when I finally made it up to load! lol I could feel the guy's tension. Good job.

2 Kommentare
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Wichtiger Beitrag

Loved the style and presentation, very vibrant with your words. I really like the cover as well.
Casting this vote your way.

Wichtiger Beitrag

Thank you. i'm glad you enjoyed my story. I just finished reading your book "confessions of a non-believer" and I found that it spoke to me and some of my own experiences growing up.

Wichtiger Beitrag

Thank you for the thumbs up. I have read some of your work and you are an excellent story teller and writter.

Wichtiger Beitrag

You really have a strong grasp of using words to create wolds. Everything was so vivid that I felt I was there, next to John.
Great piece!!

Wichtiger Beitrag

Great, inventive ways of painting the picture keeps the story flowing eeriely! Thumbs up from me!

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